Programs & Supports
High Fidelity Wraparound
Philadelphia System of Care (PSOC) is expanding the availability of High Fidelity Wraparound throughout the city of Philadelphia.
High Fidelity Wraparound (HFW) is a team based planning process which assists youth and their families in planning together around their family’s specific strengths and needs. High Fidelity Wraparound brings all identified natural supports (friends and family members) and all system partners (CUA workers, Juvenile Probation Officers, Case Managers, Therapists, etc.) together as a team to ensure that everyone is planning around and working towards the same goals. Family and Youth Voice and Choice are a central part of High Fidelity Wraparound, which means the perspective of the youth and their family are considered most important in identifying goals and strategies.
How does it work?
During monthly HFW planning meetings, the strengths and input of the entire team are considered as a Family Action Plan is developed, which includes family-selected strategies as well as system mandates. All team members brainstorm solutions to the family’s greatest need and the family works together to choose the solutions which best fit their strengths and culture.
Throughout each phase, the HFW team continuously engages the youth and family, and assists them in reaching their identified objectives on the Family Action Plan. Planning meetings are regularly held every 30 days or more often if needed. The HFW team monitors the Family Action Plan and assesses progress towards the family’s vision. HFW Support Partners assist and encourage family members and natural supports in completing their strategies and goals, as the HFW Facilitator continues ongoing communication with system partners regarding their mandates and action steps. The process continues until the family’s goals are achieved and the family transitions into leading their own meetings and utilizing their natural supports independently.

Who does High Fidelity Wraparound support?
High Fidelity Wraparound can serve youth ages 10-17 who are in a Residential Treatment Facility (RTF) or who are at risk of being admitted to an RTF. High Fidelity Wraparound will work with the identified youth and their family to shorten the length of stay in RTF or to avoid RTF placement all together if possible. The Community Behavioral Health (CBH) HFW team has a special focus on serving youth in RTF or at risk of RTF admission, who are also in the custody of Philadelphia Department of Human Services (DHS), many of whom may not have a current caregiver. CBH works in close partnership with DHS to identify placement resources for these youth and then builds the HFW team with the resource parent and youth to preserve the placement, preventing unnecessary and excessive placement moves.

What you and your family can expect...
- To be listened to with respect and not judged
- To be encouraged to speak up and ask questions on behalf of yourself, your youth/young adult, and your family
- To discuss your goals and create a plan with your team to achieve them
- To be asked to participate in the services that are offered in order to achieve the goals of your team’s plan
- To work with providers who respect and value your language, your culture, and your spiritual beliefs
- To be connected to services and supports that match the lifestyle of yourself and your family

How do youth / families get referred?
High Fidelity Wraparound is available at no cost to Community Behavioral Health (CBH) members who qualify.
For more information about CBH or to find out if you are eligible for CBH services, visit their website at cbhphilly.org or contact Member Services at 888-545-2600.