Programs & Supports
For Family
We realize the enormous amount of time and energy that it takes to raise a child(ren) with complex emotional-behavioral challenges and possibly involvement with multiple child-serving systems.
Philadelphia System of Care (PSOC) continues to work towards building stronger and equal partnerships between family members and their children’s service providers. Expanding “family voice and choice” throughout Philadelphia’s direct service delivery, program management, and governance is an integral part of PSOC’s mission. We are proud to offer multiple opportunities for families to be involved in system transformation.
Why should family members get involved?
“Nothing about us without us.” PSOC recognizes the power and importance of lived experience and family voice. The experience of raising a child(ren) with behavioral challenges, including navigating the many systems that may be involved, is extremely valuable in re-shaping the systems and services to be more effective and responsive to the individualized needs of Philadelphia families and their children.
Opportunities for Family Members
Philadelphia Family Voices (PFV)
PSOC is proud to support the development of Philadelphia’s first family legacy organization, Philadelphia Family Voices (PFV) for families who are raising children with behavioral health challenges.
Local families with lived experience and knowledge of Philadelphia’s behavioral health services for children and youth-serving systems will govern the PFV. As a “family-run” organization, the majority of the organization’s Board of Directors is composed of family members and caregivers.
“Caregivers” includes: grandparents, kinship care, adoptive parents, foster/resource parents, etc. with a primary responsibility in raising a child with a behavioral health condition.
For further information about PFV: Philadelphia Family Voices

Family Member Committee
The Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual disability Services (DBHIDS) Family Member Committee is comprised of family members of children with a variety of behavioral health needs. These meetings provide an opportunity for family members to network with each other, receive support and to also provide input into policies and programs of DBHIDS affecting children and families. It is a safe forum where family voice is heard and can move our system in directions that better serve children and families.
Family Member Committee meetings are every month virtually.
For more information, email Adaminah.Tankersly@phila.gov
Or call: 445-262-2144
Family Member Committee Meetings are held every second Tuesday from 12 – 2pm. These meetings are virtual.
County Leadership Team
The County Leadership Team for the Department of Behavioral Health and Intellectual disAbility Services (DBHIDS), comprised of leaders from Philadelphia’s child-serving systems (Department of Human Services, Juvenile Justice, School District of Philadelphia) at one table, including of family members and youth partners, is another opportunity to become involved and have a voice in transforming systems.
Parent Peer Support Provider
Parent peer support (PPS) is a critical part of the service array for children, youth and their families. The roles for PPS providers are expanding as the value of PPS is recognized in more systems.
This short video, developed in partnership with The Institute for Innovation and Implementation at the University of Maryland School of Social Work, outlines the scope of activities in PPS and the roles of PPS providers in working with families and other professionals.